
Ziyi Zhang, Nicolas Roussel, and Wenzel Jakob
In Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH Asia 2023)
Baptiste Nicolet, Fabrice Rousselle, Jan Novák, Alexander Keller, Wenzel Jakob, and Thomas Müller
In Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH 2023)
Wenzel Jakob, Sébastien Speierer, Nicolas Roussel, and Delio Vicini
In Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH 2022)
Delio Vicini, Sébastien Speierer, and Wenzel Jakob
In Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH 2022)
Merlin Nimier-David, Thomas Müller, Alexander Keller, and Wenzel Jakob
In Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH 2022)
Baptiste Nicolet, Alec Jacobson, and Wenzel Jakob
In ACM Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH Asia 2021)
Delio Vicini, Wenzel Jakob, and Anton Kaplanyan
In Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH 2021)
Tizian Zeltner, Sébastien Speierer, Iliyan Georgiev, and Wenzel Jakob
In Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH 2021)
Delio Vicini, Sébastien Speierer, and Wenzel Jakob
In Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH 2021)
Merlin Nimier-David, Zhao Dong, Wenzel Jakob, and Anton Kaplanyan
In Pro­ceed­ings of Euro­graph­ics Sym­posi­um on Ren­der­ing (DL-only Track)
Guillaume Loubet, Tizian Zeltner, Nicolas Holzschuch, and Wenzel Jakob
In Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH Asia 2020)
Ibón Guillén, Julio Marco, Diego Gutierrez, Wenzel Jakob, and Adrian Jarabo
In Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH Asia 2020)
Merlin Nimier-David, Sébastien Speierer, Benoît Ruiz, and Wenzel Jakob
In Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH 2020)
Tizian Zeltner, Iliyan Georgiev, and Wenzel Jakob
In Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH 2020)
Seung-Hwan Baek, Tizian Zeltner, Hyun Jin Ku, Inseung Hwang, Xin Tong, Wenzel Jakob, and Min H. Kim
In Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH 2020)
Stavros Diolatzis, Adrien Gruson, Wenzel Jakob, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, and George Drettakis
In In Com­puter Graph­ics For­um (Pro­ceed­ings of Euro­graph­ics Sym­posi­um on Ren­der­ing 2020)
Gilles Rainer, Abhijeet Ghosh, Wenzel Jakob, and Tim Weyrich
In Com­puter Graph­ics For­um (Pro­ceed­ings of Euro­graph­ics 2020)
Merlin Nimier-David, Delio Vicini, Tizian Zeltner, and Wenzel Jakob
In Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH Asia 2019)
Guillaume Loubet, Nicolas Holzschuch, and Wenzel Jakob
In Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH Asia 2019)
Alisa Jung, Alexander Wilkie, Johannes Hanika, Wenzel Jakob, and Carsten Dachsbacher
In Com­puter Graph­ics For­um (Pro­ceed­ings of Euro­graph­ics Sym­posi­um on Ren­der­ing 2019)
Delio Vicini, Vladlen Koltun, and Wenzel Jakob
In Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH 2019)
Wenzel Jakob and Johannes Hanika
In Com­puter Graph­ics For­um (Pro­ceed­ings of Euro­graph­ics 2019)
Gilles Rainer, Wenzel Jakob, Abhijeet Ghosh, and Tim Weyrich
In Com­puter Graph­ics For­um (Pro­ceed­ings of Euro­graph­ics 2019)
Delio Vicini, David Adler, Jan Novák, Fabrice Rousselle, and Brent Burley
In Com­puter Graph­ics For­um
Jonathan Dupuy and Wenzel Jakob
In Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH Asia 2018)
Tizian Zeltner and Wenzel Jakob
In Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH 2018)
David Körner, Jamie Portsmouth, and Wenzel Jakob
In Euro­graph­ics Sym­posi­um on Ren­der­ing (2018) - Ex­per­i­ment­al Ideas & Im­ple­ment­a­tions
Sebastian Werner, Zdravko Velinov, Wenzel Jakob, and Matthias Hullin
In Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH Asia 2017)
Benedikt Bitterli, Wenzel Jakob, Jan Novák, and Wojciech Jarosz
In ACM Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (2017), presen­ted at SIG­GRAPH 2018
Xifeng Gao, Wenzel Jakob, Marco Tarini, and Daniele Panozzo
In ACM Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH 2017)
Nico Schertler, Marco Tarini, Wenzel Jakob, Misha Kazhdan, Stefan Gumhold, and Daniele Panozzo
In ACM Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH 2017)
Wenzel Jakob
Book chapter Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Meth­ods (Spring­er Pro­ceed­ings in Math­em­at­ics & Stat­ist­ics)
Wenzel Jakob and Steve Marschner
In Com­mu­nic­a­tions of the ACM (Novem­ber 2015)
Wenzel Jakob, Marco Tarini, Daniele Panozzo, and Olga Sorkine-Hornung
In ACM Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH Asia 2015)
Tzu-Mao Li, Jaakko Lehtinen, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Wenzel Jakob, and Frédo Durand
In ACM Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH Asia 2015)
Henning Zimmer, Fabrice Rousselle, Wenzel Jakob, Oliver Wang, David Adler, Wojciech Jarosz, Olga Sorkine-Hornung, and Alexander Sorkine-Hornung
In Com­puter Graph­ics For­um (Pro­ceed­ings of Euro­graph­ics Sym­posi­um on Ren­der­ing 2015)
Shuang Zhao, Wenzel Jakob, Steve Marschner, and Kavita Bala
In Com­mu­nic­a­tions of the ACM (Novem­ber 2014)
Wenzel Jakob, Eugene D'Eon, Otto Jakob, and Steve Marschner
In ACM Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH 2014)
Wenzel Jakob, Miloš Hašan, Ling-Qi Yan, Jason Lawrence, Ravi Ramamoorthi, and Steve Marschner
In ACM Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH 2014)
Ling-Qi Yan, Miloš Hašan, Wenzel Jakob, Jason Lawrence, Steve Marschner, and Ravi Ramamoorthi
In ACM Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH 2014)
Wenzel Jakob and Steve Marschner
In ACM Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH 2012)
Shuang Zhao, Wenzel Jakob, Steve Marschner, and Kavita Bala
In ACM Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH 2012)
Shuang Zhao, Wenzel Jakob, Steve Marschner, and Kavita Bala
In ACM Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH 2011)
Wenzel Jakob, Christian Regg, and Wojciech Jarosz
In Com­puter Graph­ics For­um (Pro­ceed­ings of Euro­graph­ics Sym­posi­um on Ren­der­ing 2011)
Marios Papas, Wojciech Jarosz, Wenzel Jakob, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Wojciech Matusik, and Tim Weyrich
In Com­puter Graph­ics For­um (Pro­ceed­ings of Euro­graph­ics)
Wenzel Jakob, Jonathan T. Moon, Adam Arbree, Kavita Bala, and Steve Marschner
In ACM Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH 2010)
Wenzel Jakob, Jonathan T. Moon, and Steve Marschner
In ACM Trans­ac­tions on Graph­ics (Pro­ceed­ings of SIG­GRAPH Asia 2009)